Thomas and Ruth Hudzina
Tom and Ruth are long term missionaries serving with Calvary Chapel in Crato/Juazeiro, located in northeast Brazil. Tom and Ruth serve in the local church plants, Special needs ministries, personal counseling, community evangelism, teaching Bible and individual discipleship. After serving in the local church and part-time missions for 17 years in the continental United States, Kenya, Ireland, Israel and Spain, Tom and Ruth moved to Brazil in 2017 to serve in long-term full-time missions. Tom, as a Missionary Pastor involved in church planting, teaches Bible and mentors the Pastors and leadership in the local church plant. Together they serve alongside the local Pastors and leadership. They live as examples of shepherding and serving the local community by providing encouragement, support, and teaching sound doctrine. Tom and Ruth, after serving in Special Needs ministry in the United States, have a strong desire to develop and support Special Needs ministries to families in Brazil. Programs and clinics exist in Brazil to serve the Special Needs youth and children, but it is so important to minister personally to the caregivers and families. Currently they serve at two Special Needs clinics in Crato/Juazeiro to minister and fellowship with the families who come for therapy, education, and medical treatment for their children. Ruth leads a Women inductive Bible study and teaches English to the residents using a course we created called "Learning English Through the Word". Basic English is taught using the Bible as text. Tom teaches a weekly home fellowship verse by verse through each book of the Bible. Evangelizing and sharing the Word of God, especially in the poor areas and favelas, is a vital part of sharing the Gospel. Each week they go to these areas to visit families, form relationships and volunteer at a before and after school project where children helped with schoolwork, learn basic English, and participate in Christian activities. Tom and Ruth have a passion to share and teach the Word of God; evangelizing, discipling those who begin their journey with Jesus and encouraging others with the hope, power, and presence of Jesus. Isaiah 50:4 best describes their calling - "That I should know how to speak a Word in season to him who is weary."
Missionary Account Number: 4610
Country of Service: Brazil
Home Church: Calvary Chapel Chester Springs
Church Website: cc-chestersprings.com
Missionary Website: