Missionary Care Resources

Missionary Care Resources
Missionary Care Resources
A Discussion about PTSD
Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a term used often in a number of different conversations. In this podcast, Jeff Jackson defines PTSD and discusses it as it relates to the care missionaries currently serving in a foreign field and returning and reintegrating back into a life in the States. Listen to our podcast entitled A Discussion about PTSD to learn more.
What You Need to Know About Missionary Re-entry
In this audio series, Jeff Jackson introduces listeners to the reality of re-entry. Most people are surprised to learn that coming back to the States and American culture after serving for a term, whether short or extended, in the foreign field, is difficult. It seems the biggest shock to the system and senses would occur when a missionary arrives on the field. But the truth is, coming home is not necessarily a home coming.
» Re-entry Part One
» Re-entry Part Two
» Re-entry Part Three
» Re-entry Part Four
Mission Security: Contingency
The missionary has done all the right things. He or she has taken all security precautions. From the Apostle Paul down through all generations of missionaries through the ages, crisis happen. Contingency plans must be prepared in anticipation of the day they must be enacted. Learn more…
Cyber Security
Facilitating the Missions’s Tim Dabney speaks on missionary security, specifically in the areas of cyber security. He’ll discuss the value and drawbacks of encrypted emails and how to protect your personal computer from attacks. Learn more…
Six Things to Know about Sending Missionaries to the Mission Field Direct
When local churches embrace their role as the primary vehicle through which God wants to channel His love and truth to all people, God may move their leaders to take the less and less radical step of sending some of their own members direct to the mission field. Read more…
The Stress of International Relocation
If relocating within the United States is stressful, try moving overseas.In the same sense that understanding more and more of what those who serve in the military actually experience usually increases our respect for them, our desire to pray for them, and our desire to help them in practical ways, I’ve discovered the same thing is true in regards to missionaries. Read more…
An Exhortation to Local Church Pastors and Leaders about Missionaries
As a former missionary, church planter, and pastor, I’d like to seize the opportunity that the beginning of a new year provides, to provoke you to think a little deeper about the members of your church that you have sent out as missionaries and/or the missionaries that your church loves and supports financially. Read more…
Meeting a Missionary’s Greatest Need
Have you ever asked a missionary how you can be of help to them and their ministry?
If you did pose that very common question to them, even though I’m not a prophet–and didn’t stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, I’m fairly certain that they told you their most important need was for PRAYER. Read more…
I Am a Triangle
Coming home from the mission field is no homecoming. Returning missionaries come home to a rude awakening; coming home is more difficult than their early days of arriving on the mission field.
In this podcast, Jeff Jackson refers to this article by Naomi Hattaway. Read more…
Missionary Debriefing
This article is a response to a number of requests to provide a consolidated piece on the vital subject of MISSIONARY DEBRIEFING.
Missionary Debriefing – a Gift
This video is from a webinar Jeff Jackson participated in with Sixteen:Fifteen president Matthew Ellison. Their discussion focuses on the gift and role of missionary debriefing in different seasons of a missionary’s tenure on the field. Watch here…