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Missionary Security

  • Bryon Mondok
  • September 3, 2019
  • Churches

Missionary Security

At Shepherd’s Staff, we don’t consider a missionary fully trained until educated about the need to have a contingency plan.

In this episode, we unarchived an interview of Tim Dabney conducted by our friend, Pastor Ed Compean. Ed is a former missionary who had worked in one of the world’s most infamous slums. Nairobi’s Kibera slum is the largest urban slum in Africa. Ed and his family ministered there for a decade. The Compean’s were no strangers to contingency planning and rapid emergency preparedness.

In this show, Tim and Ed cover:
»Go Packs,
»Trusted National Contacts
»Shelter in Place
»Rally Points

This is stuff that rarely comes up in normal conversation, but totally necessary for the missionary to have fully up and running.

Photo by Sebastián León Prado on Unsplash

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