Seth and Kathleen Barkley
Seth and Kathleen live in Sao Paulo, Brazil where Seth serves as the Lead Pastor at Calvary International Church. Calvary is strategically located in one of the largest and most diverse cities of the world. With believers from a multitude of countries, God has given Calvary the potential to have a truly global reach for His Kingdom. The Barkleys have served previously in Europe, Central Asia, and South Asia. God has given them a heart to serve the Church, equipping her to faithful and effective ministry, and striving to see her attain unity and maturity. They also have three sons, Jedidiah, Ezekiel, and Isiah.
Missionary Account Number: 4611
Country of Service: Brazil
Home Church: Calvary International Church
Church Website: http://www.calvary.org.br/
Missionary Website: