Sarah Ray
Sarah has been serving with Living Hope Church and 1Hope Ministries in Pretoria, South Africa since 2016. Her primary roles include ladies' biblical counseling and discipleship as well as serving as the Director of Interns at the ministry's baby homes, places of safety where abandoned babies are loved and cared for while awaiting placement into their forever families.
After years of pediatric nursing experience in the States, Sarah now serves as a nurse at the baby homes. Additionally, she helps lead ladies' ministry and assists with administration tasks for her church.
Sarah studied biblical counseling at Strengthening Training Ministries Institute and is an ACBC certified biblical counselor. She enjoys the privilege of having a front-row seat to see how God's Word is always a sufficient source of help and hope to ladies from so many cultures, languages, and backgrounds.
Sarah loves being involved in her local church, sharing the good news, opening God's Word with other ladies, showing hospitality, caring for orphans, and simply being able to do daily life with others in South Africa because of and for Christ.
Missionary Account Number: 6023
Country of Service: South Africa
Home Church: The Bible Church of Little Rock
Church Website:
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