Mary Ezzell
Mary is a member of Grace Church in Greenville, SC. She serves as an extension of Grace Church in Nicaragua. Grace Church has been partnering with Christ for the City International-Nicaragua (CFCI-Nicaragua) for nearly 20 years and Mary has been involved with the partnership throughout that time. She is thrilled to be serving in Nicaragua through Grace Church and with their CFCI-Nicaragua ministry partners. Mary's main focus in Nicaragua is to work alongside and support CFCI-Nicaragua in equipping and encouraging women church leaders in Nicaragua, mainly through Bible studies and Ezer materials. She will also host medical teams and coordinate their care. Mary is developing and internship program for Grace Church in Nicaragua including discipleship and practical logistics for short term missionaries planning to serve for one month to one year.
Missionary Account Number: 4112
Country of Service: Nicaragua
Home Church: Grace Church
Church Website: https://gracechurchsc.org/taylors/
Missionary Website: