Jonathan and Holly Smith
The Smith family has been sent by Swift Creek Baptist Church to work
alongside their Peruvian partner church, Cristo El Salvador to accomplish
the share vision of establishing a church in an unreached community
outside of Lima, Peru. We will be working in a supporting role to
encourage and equip the Peruvians to plant and lead this new church.
Together with members from Cristo El Salvador, we will be engaged in
evangelizing and discipling the people who live in this unreached place.
This will strengthen and grow our partner church while the new church is
being planted. We are also Team Associates with the International Mission
Board (IMB) working with other pastors in the district of San Juan de
Lurigancho which has a population of over 1 million people. Our goal will
be to encourage pastors to work together to train and equip their church
members to reach unreached peoples and places with the Gospel.
Missionary Account Number: 4522
Country of Service: Peru
Home Church: Swift Creek Baptist Church
Church Website: swiftcreekbaptist.org
Missionary Website: