Johnathan and Ilona Dabney
Jonathan and Ilona Dabney are living in Hajdúböszörmény (Hi-do-busser-mean), Hungary. They serve at Calvary Chapel Nyíregyháza by leading worship, translating, and on occasion, teaching. Specifically, Jonathan leads worship, assists the pastor with teaching, and translates the service from Hungarian into English. Ilona is a full-time mom to their young daughter, but has had experience leading women’s studies and ministering to gypsies. They desire for Calvary Chapel Nyíregyháza to raise up a Spirit-led worship leader, as well as a strong and supportive leadership team. They pray that those in the church would learn to walk closely with their Savior and as a result to be His hands and feet in the community.
Missionary Account Number: 1116
Country of Service: Hungary
Home Church: Village Chapel
Church Website: villagechapel.com
Missionary Website: