Frank and Heidiana Sanchez
Frank and Heidi are full time teachers at the Haven of Peace Academy (HOPAC) in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania where they have served for 6 years. Even though HOPAC is an international Christian school with around 350 students through K-12, the school is open to all students regardless of their religious affiliation. Frank and Heidi have made an intentional effort to reach out to the Hindu and Muslim students who attend the school.
At the school, they are the senior leaders of Young Life, an outreach ministry that focuses on reaching non-Christian high school students through relational ministry. Weekly "club" meetings are held at Frank and Heidi’s home and average between 60-80 students.
Missionary Account Number: 6301
Country of Service: Tanzania
Home Church: Enclave Community Church
Church Website: enclavecc.com
Missionary Website: