Daniel and Sarah Barrett
Daniel and Sarah Barrett have been serving in Costa Rica for 10 1/2 years. They planted Horizon Church 6 years ago and have just built a new building. They minister to all of the international community with translation in Spanish. They have a Prenatal Center on campus where they minister to pregnant women and women of babies up to age 1.
They also have a homeless ministry with a feeding in the park on Wednesdays and they now have showers and bathrooms on the church property to be able to offer soups and showers for them. They offer English and Spanish classes as outreach and they minister to all areas of the family through Horizon Kids/Awanas, Horizon Youth Group, Women's and Men's ministries, etc.
Missionary Account Number: 4205
Country of Service: Costa Rica
Home Church: Calvary Chapel Lexington
Church Website: cclexington.org
Missionary Website: horizonjaco.org