Daniel and Kristyn
Daniel, Kristyn, Nora, Anna, and Ella
Serving in Lyon, France
Why France? The United States has 1 church for every 1,000 inhabitants. In comparison, France currently has 1 church for every 30,000 inhabitants and approximately 1% of the population of France is considered evangelical Christian. The goal of the National Counsel for the French Evangelicals (CNEF) is to see 1 church for every 10,000 inhabitants.
Our Story In 2013, after visiting several European cities, we moved from Kentucky to the Croix Rousse neighborhood in Lyon, France. Croix Rousse, located on a hill overlooking the city center, has a population of approximately 30,000 and access to close to 100,000 people with little evangelical church presence. In early 2018, we started meeting as a small core team in our apartment and then publicly meeting at a hotel later that fall. We’ve grown from a small group of fifteen adults to a forty member church, an average regular Sunday attendance of over 60, and multiple ministries during the week to reach our neighbors and make disciples. 2022 - we launched our Claritas internship program to grow local french leaders. 2023 - we celebrated our five year anniversary as a church. 2024 - we celebrated the launch of our first church plant in the Lyon 5th neighborhood.
Vision We desire that our ministries flow from who we are in Christ. We desire to be an authentic gospel community that shines in our city, country, and abroad like a light on a hill.
Join our team Contact [email protected] to receive regular email and video updates about our family, ministry, and church and learn more about how to get involved.
Missionary Account Number: 1479
Country of Service: France
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