Missionary Support Raising Resources

Missionary Support Raising Resources
Everybody knows money matters, but not very many of us like talking about it. There are some cultures where talking about money seems easier than others, and there are people we know who seem to have conquered anxieties that seem inherent to most of us and concisely say what needs to be said.
Linguistic evidence shows that the Apostle Paul, our most lionhearted biblical example of a missionary, walked on eggshells when talking about money. In his commentary series, leading New Testament scholar Tom Wright has this to say:
I have now translated most of the New Testament for this present series [of commentaries], and I’ve discovered one or two interesting things as I’ve done so. The hardest Greek I have so far faced, without a doubt, is in one particular section of 2 Corinthians, namely chapters 8 and 9. I think I know the reason. That is where Paul talks, at length, about money. But I sense in Paul what I see in myself and in a great many others: a reluctance even to raise the topic at all, and then a sense of nervousness in what we say, lest we at any point we should be misunderstood. [Romans for Everybody pp 126-7]
In Romans 15, Paul tactfully, respectfully, with careful theological correctness stresses the bottom line: accomplishing the mission takes money. The body benefits and the congregation grows both numerically (Gentiles are added to the church) and spiritually. This is a compilation of articles we pray you find helpful.
Missionary Financial Support Following the Rules
Practical steps for complying with IRS laws and best practices. Ron Clipp, director of Shepherd’s Staff Mission Facilitators joins Tricia Morris, director of operations of Sixteen:Fifteen to discuss the role of the church and responsibilities of missionaries. Watch video here.
The Special Gift of Participation Consummation
When a person receives a calling and confirmation from God to serve as a missionary, he immediately comes face to face with the reality that he now needs to raise personal financial support in order for the calling God has placed on his life to be fulfilled. This article explains the concept of participation consummation. Read more here.
Support Through Tethers of Connection
When a missionary is required to raise financial support and a fellow follower of Jesus contributes financially to help him do what God has called him to do, unique opportunities for partnership are produced. Read more here.
Purpose and Proposition
Paul knew exactly what each season of his ministry was about. Consider his purpose and proposition statement to the leaders of the Ephesian church, “But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God” (Acts 20:24). This article outlines forming purpose and proposition statements which are the foundation for clearly communicating your mission. Read more here.
Communication List
As soon as you you have a purpose and proposition statement to communicate your missionary calling, you need to build a missionary communication list. This is a list of people who will receive forms of communication from you. You’ll maintain and stay in touch with these folks throughout your missionary life (and beyond). Read more here.
Gain Understanding
When and how to directly ask for missionary financial support can be complex and frightening. This article will help pre-field and on-field missionaries understand a God glorifying model of inviting people to partner in the work. Read more here.
Calm the Gorillas
One is too many, but pre-field missionaries sent directly from their church often find there are TWO 800-pound financial support gorillas in the room. Besides being hairy and messy, both gorillas cause fear. They are confronted and tamed the same way. Learn more in this article.
Asking for Support
Asking for missionary support has kept more missionaries off the field than any other reason. This article is one of many that will help pre-field and on-field missionaries gain a God glorifying understanding of a simple method for inviting people to financially join in the work. Read more here.
Building a Purpose and Proposition Statement
How does a missionary and home church come up with a purpose and proposition statement? Presuming the call is confirmed and the work is known, set time aside to pray, grab a Bible, and something to write with. Answer the questions in this article and write down your answers somewhere you’ll refer to often. Read more here.
In this article we look at expanding the breadth and width of missionary communication by using the purpose and proposition statement. Read more here.
Written Communication Points
There are more options than ever when communicating with financial and prayer supporters. Hard-copy newsletters, blogs and social media are just a few of the options. As a future or current missionary, you’ll find the 10 suggestions for written communication in this article helpful. Read more here.
DOs and DON’Ts of Written Communication
We read dozens of printed and digital newsletters and blog posts. Many missionaries don’t consider themselves to be writers, and do very well. Other… not so much.
To help, we’ve listed five Dos and five Don’ts for written missionary communication. The two lists are far from exhaustive, but should offer a good primer for pre-field missionaries as well as those already on the field. Read more here.
When Missionaries Teach and Preach
In this article are six points for missionaries to consider when speaking about their work. These apply to Sunday mornings, mid-week Bible study gatherings, or any other opportunity to share your story with a group. Read more here.
The Impact of Underfunded Missionaries
When missionaries depart for the field underfunded, or experience funding decreases on a month to month basis while on the field, one or more of these six effects discussed in this article will be produced. Read more here.
Attitude of Gratitude
Paul opened his epistle to the Philippians by letting them know he prayed and thanked God for them and their participation with him in the ongoing work. God of course was first, but the epistle takes a clear turn as the apostle also thanks the church in Philippi for their financial support. Read more here.