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Maintenance Debrief Part Two

  • Bryon Mondok
  • January 5, 2021
  • Churches

Maintenance Debrief Part Two

Maintenance Debrief Part Two

The Maintenance Debrief has two main goals: Maintenance Debriefing goals
     1. To CONFIRM to the missionary that he or she is exactly where God wants them to be at this time in their lives and that He is pleased with them.
     2. To help them CALIBRATE the various components of their lives, for their well-being and the health of the people and ministry God has called them to.

In this podcast, Jeff Jackson unpacks the components of the Maintenance Debrief. Those that care for missionaries serving abroad need to make sure that the Maintenance Debrief is a regular part of a missionary’s ongoing spiritual development and care. We’ve included a downloadable version of the Maintenance Debrief for those who care for missionaries in your church. CLICK HERE

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